The Safety of Constraint

From the Warnor’s Windows Project, Tuolumne Street
9’ x 28’, Fresno CA, 2009

Warnor’s Windows Project, Tuolumne Street

Warnor’s Windows Project, Tuolumne Street


“The Safety of Constraint” is about conformity.

Pressures to confirm are exerted internally and externally. Quietly. Assertively. Overtly. Insidiously. 

Small daily choices become a routine that slowly and steadily threatens to constrain the unique expression of the individual. 

Patterns, habits, thoughts, compliances are like boxes created by human behaviors that conscribe. They make for ease of living and allow us to feel that we “fit in.”

Individually and culturally we determine the size of this box.

Anne Scheid

The architecture of the Warnor’s Theater is the conceptual context for “The Safety of Constraint”